Author Archives: briantobin
Kimberly Wi, Sunset Park
2019 Spring Fling in Denmark, WI
2019 Icebreaker
Schedule Playoffs Sunday determined by best winning percentage. Tie breakers are as follows: 1, Head to head2. Runs allowed among common opponents3. Runs allowed overall4. # of shutout wins5. Coin flipRules:1. Teams may bat up to 12 players (early season games-coaches want to get their guys in). Players can interchange defensively as long as the …
Icebreaker work schedule
Hogs on the move
Rumor has it the Hogs may venture to a field surrounded by corn to play a friendly against some players from the Dek-Syc Church league. Details are vague, but I venture something will pop up on our social media feed about a game on Saturday May 4th. That’s assuming we’re not all required to use …